Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Parser Error Message: The entry ScriptModule has already been added.

On my development system everything is running fine, when i publish to my beta server (SBS 2003 - *no* VS installed) I get the following error:

Parser Error Message: The entry 'ScriptModule' has already been added.

Removing this line resolves the issue but then presents me with various errors relating to not being able to load System.Web.Extensions... If i can understand why the first issue is occuring this would help! Any clues?


I have exactly the same happening on my server, does anyone have a fix for this ?


This can happen if there are two HttpModules named "ScriptModule". This can mysteriously happen if you are running a virtual directory under an asp application that already has the module defined. You can either remove the HttpModule declaration<add name="ScriptModule" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/> from the VD web.config, or all a remove node

<remove name="ScriptModule" />

just before adding it back.


Excellent, thanks for the heads up.


That was an excellent post. Thank you for your help !


This suggest is not working for me again and again the same error only i am getting is there any other solution

please let me know soon......

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