Wednesday, March 21, 2012

parseLocale ignores negative currency format

I have some JScript that is utilized by a custom TextBox control that does various validation and format functions on the client side. In particular, when the control receives focus I left-justify the value in the textbox and format it without currency and grouping characters. Just the raw number. Then when the control loses focus (blur), I re-format the contents based on a property that indicates which formatting to use. This custom TextBox accepts only numeric input. In the case of a curreny input (DisplayFormat = "C") and a negative number, the number is formatted using the current culture's CurrencyNegativePattern of CultureInfo.NumberFormat. AJAX handles all of this for me since I call the Number.localeFormat function. The problem is that when the TextBox receives focus, I try to strip all formatting to get the raw number but for a negative currency value AJAX'sparseLocale function does not recognize the parantheses that are added to the number when it is formatted bylocaleFormat. Example: -1000 is formatted as ($1,000.00) with a format string of "C2" but when you pass this toparseLocale you get "1000.00". Shouldn'tparseLocale recognize the negative patterns its counterpartlocaleFormat adds to the value?

function numberEditorFocus(src)
{ ='left';
var displayFormat ="D";
if (src.value !="")
var val = Number.parseLocale(stripCurrency(src.value));
if (isNaN(val) ==false)
var newValue = val.localeFormat(displayFormat);
src.value = newValue;

Sounds like it may be a bug, take a look in the source code for the AJAX Framework or theissues list


Nothing in the bug list. It's obvious from the source code in the AJAX library that the parseLocale (and subsequently the parse) function does not consider the negative currency pattern. It only accounts for the preceding +/- sign. So, is this a bug or is there some reason it was designed with way? AJAX team?

Number.parseLocale = function Number$parseLocale(value) { /// <param name="value" type="String"></param> /// <returns type="Number"></returns> var e = Function._validateParams(arguments, [ {name: "value", type: String} ]); if (e) throw e; return Number._parse(value, Sys.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);}Number.parseInvariant = function Number$parseInvariant(value) { /// <param name="value" type="String"></param> /// <returns type="Number"></returns> var e = Function._validateParams(arguments, [ {name: "value", type: String} ]); if (e) throw e; return Number._parse(value, Sys.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);}Number._parse = function Number$_parse(value, cultureInfo) { var valueStr = value.trim(); if (valueStr.match(/infinity/i) !== null) { return parseFloat(valueStr); } if (valueStr.match(/^0x[a-f0-9]+$/i) !== null) { return parseInt(valueStr); } var numFormat = cultureInfo.numberFormat; var decSeparator = numFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator; var grpSeparator = numFormat.NumberGroupSeparator; var numberFormatRegex = new RegExp("^[+-]?[\\d\\" + grpSeparator + "]*\\" + decSeparator + "?\\d*([eE][+-]?\\d+)?$"); if (!valueStr.match(numberFormatRegex)) { return Number.NaN; } valueStr = valueStr.split(grpSeparator).join(""); valueStr = valueStr.replace(decSeparator, "."); return parseFloat(valueStr);}

I'd modify the source and recompile for now so that it works for you, and I would log this as a bug...


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