Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Parse Error from ScriptResource.axd in MicrosoftAjax.js

Upgraded to RC1. Works in Firefox for MAC and some MACs with Safari.

But on some Safari installations we are getting Parse Error at line five of MicrosoftAjax.js.

So, basically the entire ATlas package is not being recognized on some Safari installations.

Updatin MAC software on those machines did not help.

Question: Is there a way to create a custom ScriptResource.axd that includes a custom MicrosoftAjax.js?

Thanks in advance.

scriptresource.axd is a handler used to serve embedded js files. it runs only in the server, so there shouldn't be any issues with it. btw, can you use sniffer and see if you're getting the files correctly from the server?

It is getting to scriptresource.axd allright. It gets a parser error here:

// MicrosoftAjax.js

The app was working with Beta 1.0 of Atlas on those MAC machines.

Failing machines: PowerMac using Safari 1.3.2 and there are no further software updates available from Apple on these machines.

Other MAC machine are still fine.

Will file a bug report with Apple and Microsoft.

Try running the app in debug mode or set ScriptMode="Debug" on the ScriptManager so that the debug scripts are used. That might help show where the error is really occuring.



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