Sunday, March 11, 2012

Passing multiple parameters?

Yes , the webmethod can have more than one parameter. (see changes in bold)


.ASPX page - javascript

function OnTextChange()
ret = ZipWebService.GetZipCodeInformation(document.getElementById('zipCode').value, newParameter, OnComplete, OnTimeOut, OnError);
return (true);




.ASMX page

Public Function GetZipCodeInformation(ByVal zip As String, ByVal newParameter As String) As String

... perform a db call

End Function

Ok... Now they have changed it to a checkbox list in where i have to pass all the values that are selected. I have tried passing all the values meshed together, but even that doesn't work right. I get the javascript error 'Object doesn't support this property or method' at bolded javascript IF.


function OnTextChange()
var checkBoxList;

for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
if (document.getElementByID("productCB_" + i ).checked)
checkBoxList += document.getElementByID("productCB_" + i).value;


ZipWebService.GetZipCodeInformation(document.getElementById('zipCode').value, checkBoxList.value, OnComplete, OnTimeOut, OnError);
return (true);

function OnComplete(arg)

function OnTimeOut(arg)
alert("Timed out");

function OnError(arg)
alert("Errored out");


<td><asp:CheckBoxList ID="productCB" CssClass="slim" runat="server"></asp:CheckBoxList></td>


Public Function GetZipCodeInformation(ByVal zip As String, ByVal product As String) As String

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