Monday, March 26, 2012


Hi All,

the AJAX technology isn't a new one. In IE 5 we where already able to do asynchrone HTTP request with the XMLHTTP object, but you had to communicate directly with the XMLHTTP object. well my question is:

Is the pagerequestmanager THE object that arrange al the communication with the XMLHTTP object so that we don't have to do that anymore? and this pagerequestmanager is the object where the scriptmanager communicates with so indirectly the scriptmanager is responsible for the communcation ?

A collegue of my is using AJAX in CRM. Is it also possible to do calls in CRM (Javascript) to webservices with the use of the scriptmanager? does the version of CRM makes any difference?

Kind regards,

Does nobody have any idea?

Hi Dennis,

I will try to answer to your questions:

1. The PageRequestManager handles the partial rendering mechanism on the client side where the ScriptManager object is the central control that coordinates several things like the scripts rendered to the client, the partial page mechanism , the client proxies used for communicating with the web services, applications services or page methods.

2. I think that the first answer also represents an answer for this question. By using the ScriptManager in your project you can enable calls to your web services.

You can check the docs available for the Beta2 release where you can find for yourself the means for doing all the things mentioned above.



pagerequestmanager is an important class and it's?only used when you define partial refreshing zones through updatepanels (ie, you generally don't use it directly in your code and it's injected on the page by the scriptmanager server control).

regarding the xmlhttpobject question, atlas introduces a network stack which has several layers. to communicate with the server, you can use the low level calsses or the high level classes.?the?object responsible?for?communicating?with?the?server?is?known?as?an?executor?(currently,?there's?only?one?executor,?XmlHttpExecutor,?which?uses?the?XmlHttpRequest?object?to?communicate?with?the?server?side).

normally, all remote requests are performed through the webrequest class, which let's you set several aspects of the current request (ex.: headers). if you want, you can use the high level classes (_webmethod class) or even generate a client javascript proxy (if your web service is hosted on an ajax enabled web site).

btw, you should note that web service calls don't depend on the scriptmanager control. having said this, it's important to note that?if?you're?developing?an?aspx?page,?then?you?can?also?add?theproxies?to?the?page?through?the?services?property?of?that?control.

just one more note: currently, there are 2 executors. the 2nd one is on the preview bits and it's called iframeexecutor.

Hi guys,

Sorry for my late response. i gave up the hope for an answer. Thanks for your replies. The reason why i posted this question is that i was reading a book about the old school AJAX technology. And as you will also know, they are working a lot with the XMLHTTPRequests (XHR). So i was curious on what layer did Microsoft build to abstract the direct calls with the XHR object. So i was interested in the whole proces from the scriptmanager to the XHR object.

So is it correct that the webrequestmanager is the layer which is responsible for managing the communication (XMLHTTPExecutor, XHR) for client side to server side. But i dont see the connection between the Pagerequestmanager / Sciptmanager and the webrequestmanager. Thanks in advance.


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