Wednesday, March 28, 2012

PageMethods and Exceptions

i was looking for information about how to manage Exception throwed by page methods.
I mean, is there any way in the javascript function that is called on failure of the page method to know the type of the exception throwed?
I know that the object passed as parameter to this function has the get_message() method to get the exception's message, but i can't find any other information about it.

sorry for my poor english and thanks for your answers,


Well, frankly your best option is to not throw them. Either handle them inside the page method or else have some kind of catchall error handler for the page / app (or both). In terms of debugging, you can then (in the catch block) log on the server any info you might want to, and not worry about whether the javascript object will support inspection of the core problem or not.

Say you call a page method like this:
function UpdateTime()
PageMethods.GetCurrentDate(OnSucceeded, OnFailed);
function OnSucceeded(result, userContext, methodName)
$get('Label1').innerHTML = result;
function OnFailed(error, userContext, methodName)
$get('Label1').innerHTML = "An error occured.";

OnFailed will be called anytime there's an exception thrown from the web method. "error" contains several useful properties, such as error._exceptionType, error._message, and error_stackTrace.

FYI the Exception Type, StackTrace etc is not the server side objects, instead it is the client info.


"error" contains several useful properties, such aserror._exceptionType, error._message, and error_stackTrace.

thank you, this is what i was looking for!

but before i mark this thread as "resolved" there's another question a want to ask you:

where did u find those information? 'cause i look for them for pretty long time but i culdn't find anything but the get_message() method.

Checkout and

thanks a lot to all of you


where did u find those information? 'cause i look for them for pretty long time but i culdn't find anything but the get_message() method.

I find it easier toexplore the DOM with a JavaScript debugger, than to read the docs. That's how I found the exception information. I set a breakpoint on the client side error handler and then looked at what information was returned.

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